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Financial services are the electronic services provided by MBRHE to regulate the financial transactions between the establishment and individuals through services to make it easier for customers and to facilitate the follow-up of their financial applications. Muftah (WhatsApp), accommodates the number of financial services which provide information using the WhatsApp application in no time with a better user experience.

This section describes the procedure for getting information on financial services by Muftah.

Upon introducing to Muftah you will get into welcome screen consists of various services list as shown below.

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Select the desired informational services from the list of services

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Type highlighted keyword Financial or option number 2 to get information on financial services

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Select the desired financial service from the list of services,

1- خصم السداد المبكر
2- مكافأة التمويل الذاتي "العوض"
3- برنامج اليُسر
4- دفع متأخرات الأقساط المستحقة
5- طلب تحديث بيانات المتعاملين
6- طلب شهادة التزامات (المديونية)

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Type keyword of the service (for example, Early Settlement) or option number 1 to get information of that service

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Select the type of service from the Service Card under the particular financial services.

To get more information on  particular Services, enter the keyword or option number as listed below,

1- الوثائق المطلوبة
2- المستفيدين من الخدمات 
3- شروط الخدمة
4- رسوم الخدمة 
5- الاتصال المباشر 
6- فروع تقديم الخدمة 
7- عدد الخطوات / المدة الزمنية 

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