This section describes the procedure for getting information on housing services by Muftah.
Housing Services
Upon introducing to Muftah you will get into welcome screen consists of various services list as shown below.
Select the desired informational services from the list of services | Type highlighted keyword Housing or option number 1 to get started with housing services | All the housing services are accommodated under loans or grants sections. View the services by typing the keyword or option number of your desired service (loans or grants). |
In the case of Loans
To get information on housing services under loans follow the simple steps listed below.
Select your service type as loans | Type keyword Loans or option number 2 to get information on housing services under loans | Select the desired loan service from the list of services, 1- طلب استئجار وحدة سكنية | Type keyword of the service (for example, Ready House Loan) or option number 2 to get information of that service |
Select the type of service from the Service Card under the particular loan housing services. To get more information on particular Services, enter the keyword or option number as listed below, 1- الوثائق المطلوب |
In the case of Grants
To get information on housing services under grants follow the simple steps listed below.
Select your service type as grants | Type keyword Grants or option number 1 to get information on housing services under grants | Select the desired grant service from the list of services, 1- طلب منحة بناء مسكن | Type keyword of the service (for example, Residential Land Grant) or option number 4 to get information of that service |
Select the type of service from the Service Card under the particular grant housing services. To get more information on particular Services, enter the keyword or option number as listed below, 1- الوثائق المطلوبة |
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