The page consists of
Table of Contents | ||||
Get Housing Application Status
Open the ISKAN mobile application | Tap on the Muftah button to start to chat with Muftah |
Tap on the Get Housing Application Status button from the Transactional Services list |
Select any of the following options to help you inquire about your application status.
| Select the option to inquire about your application status or Tap on the Back to the main menu button to go back to the main menu. |
By Application Number
Check your application status by using Application Number.
Tap on the By Application Number button | Enter your Application Number | Muftah asks for your confirmation to proceed next. Please provide Yes to continue or No if you want to change the application number. | Tap on the Yes button to continue your Application Status process |
View your Housing Application Status which includes,
Finally, tap on the Back to main menu or back button to get back to the main menu |
Tap on the No button to provide the correct Application Number | Enter your Application Number or Tap on the Back button to discard the request and go to the previous menu |
By Applicant ID
Check your application status by using Applicant ID.
Tap on the By Application ID button | Enter your Application ID | Muftah asks for your confirmation to proceed next. Please provide Yes to continue or No if you want to change application Id. | Tap on the Yes button to continue your Application Status process |
View your Housing Application Status which includes,
Finally, tap on the Back to main menu or back button to get back to the main menu |
Tap on the No button to provide the correct Application ID. | Enter your Application ID or Tap on the Back button to discard the request and go to the previous menu |
By Emirates ID
Check your application status by using Emirates ID.
Tap on the By Emirates ID button | Enter your Emirates ID | Muftah asks for your confirmation to proceed next. Please provide Yes to continue or No if you want to change Emirates Id. | Tap on the Yes button to continue your Application Status process. |
View your Housing Application Status which includes,
Finally, tap on the Back to main menu or back button to get back to the main menu |
Tap on the No button to provide the correct Emirates ID. | Enter your Emirates ID or Tap on the Back button to discard the request and go to the previous menu |
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