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ISKAN enables the users to access the housing maintenance service by MBRHE.

This section provides the users with the procedure to request for housing maintenance service in ISKAN. The service, Housing Maintenance is accessed in the Dashboard.

Request a maintenance service

Login to ISKAN application using any one of channels UAE Pass or Emirates ID

Find the maintenance services in the Slide view

Find the maintenance services in Grid view

Pick a date for an appointment and tap on a service required

Enter the problem description

Verify the date for an appointment and modify if required

Tap on the Image icon and upload the files from the gallery/ take a new picture by accessing the camera

Tap on the Send button to submit the maintenance request

Thus, the request for the housing maintenance service is created successfully.

View history of maintenance requests

Access the history of maintenance requests on the dashboard.

Tap on My Requests to view the history of maintenance requests

Displays the history of maintenance requests created

Upon tapping Contractor Remarks, it displays the remarks entered by the contractor

Upon tapping Problem Description, it displays the maintenance request in detail as mentioned by the user

User can rate the service and provide feedback about it

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