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Muftah provides Housing Cost Calculator services for grant users to get an overview of the housing project. This section describes the procedure to calculate your housing cost through Muftah(WhatsApp).

Upon introducing to Muftah you will get into welcome screen consists of various services list as shown below.

Select the desired transactional services from the list of services

Type highlighted keyword Cost Calculator or option number 5 to calculate your housing cost

Enter the Budget Amount in AED

Enter the Area to build in sqft


Enter the Average Cost in AED

  • Muftah asks for your confirmation on the default average cost value (300 AED) to proceed next.
  • Select Yes to continue with the default value or No if you want to provide desired value.

Type keyword Yes or option number 1 to confirm your average cost value as a default value of 300 AED.

Muftah asks for your confirmation on provided data to proceed next.

Select Yes to continue or No if you want to change any input value.

Type keyword Yes or option number 1 to confirm your provided input fields

Thus, view your Housing Cost Calculator report which includes,

  • Outdoor Construction Cost
  • Estimated Build up Area

Finally, type Restart or Exit to get back to the main menu.

Type keyword No or option number 2 to change any input value

Select the input that has to be changed from the list shown,

 Budget Amount(1500000)


 Average Cost(300)

Type Cancel or option number to discard the change option

Let us change the value of Area,

Type highlighted keyword Area or option number 2 to select the change option as 'Area'.

Enter the desired Area in sqft


Type Restart or Exit  to discard the request and go to the main menu

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