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Muftah enables Trial Loan Calculator services for loan users to evaluate eligible loan amounts, get a long-term idea of monthly payments and kick start your dream house through the ISKAN application. This section describes the procedure to calculate your trial loan through Muftah.

The page consists of

Table of Contents

Trial Loan Calculator

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Open the ISKAN mobile application

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Tap on the  Muftah button to start to chat with Muftah

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Tap on the Trial Loan Calculator button from the Transactional Services list

Provide Income Details

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Enter the Monthly Salary in AED

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Muftah asks for your confirmation on providing Other Income Source value.

Tap on the Yes button to provide other income value or tap on the No button to proceed to the next section.

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Enter the value of Other Income Source in AED

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Muftah asks for your confirmation on providing Guarantor Income Source value.

Tap on the Yes button to provide guarantor income value or tap on the No button to proceed to the next section.

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Enter the value of Guarantor Income Source in AED

Provide Loan Details (if any)

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Muftah asks for your confirmation on providing Personal Loan Monthly Installment value.

Tap on the Yes button to provide personal loan monthly installment value or tap on the No button to proceed to the next section.

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Enter the value of Personal Loan Monthly Installment in AED

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Muftah asks for your confirmation on providing Employer Loan Monthly Installment value.

Tap on Yes button to provide employer loan monthly installment value or tap on the No button to proceed to the next section.

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Enter the value of Employer Loan Monthly Installment in AED

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Muftah asks for your confirmation on providing Commercial Loan Monthly Installment value.

Tap on the Yes button to provide commercial loan monthly installment value or tap on the No button to proceed to the next section.

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Enter the value of Commercial Loan Monthly Installment in AED

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Muftah asks for your confirmation on providing Monthly Rent Installment value.

Tap on the Yes button to provide monthly rent installment value or tap on the No button to proceed to the next section.

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Enter the value of Monthly Rent Installment in AED

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Muftah asks for your confirmation on providing Car Loan Monthly Installment value.

Tap on the Yes button to provide car loan monthly installment value or tap on the No button to proceed to the next section.

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Enter the value of Car Loan Monthly Installment in AED

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Muftah asks for your confirmation on providing Guarantor Loan Monthly Installment value.

Tap on the Yes button to provide guarantor loan monthly installment value or tap on the No button to proceed to the next section.

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Enter the value of Guarantor Loan Monthly Installment in AED

 or Back

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Muftah asks for your confirmation to proceed next. Please provide Select option Yes to continue or No if you want to change input data of any field.

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Tap on the Yes button to continue with your provided data.

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Thus, view yourTrial Loan Calculator report which includes,

  • Estimated loan amount
  • Monthly installment
  • Last installment amount
  • Repayment period 
  • Two years insurance
  • Monthly premium, etc.,



Select option Yes for any other service or help, else option No to end the chat.

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Muftah Pleasures to help you!

Finally, click on the Back to main menu

 button to get back to the main menu.

Change of Inputs (if any)

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Tap on the No button to change input data of any field

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Select the field to be Change (input data) from the list shown

 Monthly Salary(30000)

 Other Amount(15000)

 Guarantor Amount(5000)

 Personal Loan(2000)

 Employer Loan(4500)

 Commercial Loan(1500)


 Car Loan(2500)

 Guarantor Loan(3500)

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Select the field to be Change

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Select the field to be Change

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Select the field to be Change

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Select the field to be Change


Tap on Cancel to discard the change option

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Let us change the value of Guarantor Loan

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Muftah asks for your confirmation on providing Guarantor Loan Monthly Installment value.

Tap on the Yes button to provide guarantor loan monthly installment value or tap on the No to discard the change request.

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Enter the desired value of Guarantor Loan Monthly Installment in AED


Tap on the Back button to discard the request and go to the previous menu.

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