Upon introducing to Muftah you will get into welcome screen consists of various services list as shown below.
Select the desired transactional services from the list of services | Type highlighted keyword Cost Calculator or option number 5 to calculate your housing cost | Enter the Budget Amount in AED | Enter the Area to build in sqft |
Enter the Average Cost in AED
| Type keyword Yes or option number 1 to confirm your average cost value as a default value of 300 AED. | Muftah asks for your confirmation on provided data to proceed next. Select Yes to continue or No if you want to change any input value. | Type keyword Yes or option number 1 to confirm your provided input fields |
Thus, view your Housing Cost Calculator report which includes,
Finally, type Restart or Exit to get back to the main menu |
Type keyword No or option number 2 to change any input value | Select the input that has to be changed from the list shown, Type Cancel or option number 4 to discard the change option | Let us change the value of Area, Type highlighted keyword Area or option number 2 to select the change option as 'Area'. |
Enter the desired Area in sqft or Type Restart or Exit to discard the request and go to the main menu |