Open the ISKAN mobile application | Tap on on the Muftah button to start to chat with Muftah | Tap on the Housing Cost Calculator button from the Transactional Services list |
Enter the Budget Amount in AED
| Enter the Area to build in sqft | Enter the Average Cost in AED
| Tap on the Yes button to continue with the default average cost |
Muftah asks for your confirmation to proceed next. Please provide Yes to continue or No if you want to change input data of any field. | Tap on the Yes button to continue with your provided data. | Thus, view your Housing Cost Calculator report which includes,
Finally, tap on the Back to main menu or Back button to get back to the main menu. |
Tap on the No button to change input data of any field | Select the field to be Change (input data) from the list shown | Select the field to be Change or Tap on Cancel to discard the change option |
Let us change the value of Area by tapping on | Enter the desired Area in sqft or Tap on the Back button to discard the request and go to the previous menu. |