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Muftah welcomes the users to contact MBRHE with any questions or suggestions, or complaints regarding our services through the Contact Us Services. Your experience allows us to improve our services. To learn how to contact us using Muftah (WhatsApp) follow the simple steps shown below. 

Upon introducing to Muftah you will get into welcome screen consists of various services list as shown below.

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Select the desired transactional services from the list of services

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Type the keyword Contact or Contact Us or option number 10 to reach us

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Enter your Email ID 

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Enter your Subject 

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Select the desired Category of your inquiry or suggestion or complaint to MBRHE from the list shown,

  1. Housing Grant
  2. Housing Loans
  3. Financial Services
  4. General Inquiries
  5. MBRHE Website 
  6. Smart Apps
  7. Housing Social Consultation

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Let us select a category as Housing Grant,

Type keyword Housing Grant or option number 1 to select your reason for inquiry

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Select the Type of contact from the list shown,

  1. Comment
  2. Question
  3. Suggestion
  4. Complaint
  5. Bug

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Let us select a type as Comment,

Type keyword Comment or option number 1 to select your contact type

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Enter your Message

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Muftah asks for your confirmation on provided data to proceed next.

Select option Yesto continue or Noif you want to change any field.

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Type keyword Yes or option number 1 to confirm your provided data

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Thus, your feedback is submitted successfully. 

Note down your Reference Number, in future MBRHE team will contact you.

Finally, type Yes or option number 1 for any other service, or type No or option number 2 to end the chat.

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Muftah Pleasures to help you!

Type Restart or Exit  to get back to the main menu

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Type keyword No or option number 2to change input data of any field

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Select the field (input data to be Change) from the list shown,

  1. Email
  2. Subject
  3. Category
  4. Type
  5. Message

Type Cancel or option number 6 to discard the change option

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Let us select Subject field to be change,

Type keyword Subject or option number 2 to select your desired field as subject

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Enter your updated Subject 


Type Restart or Exit  to discard the request and go to the main menu

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