Login as a Contractor

Login as a Contractor

This section describes the procedure to log into e-Services portal as a contractor.


Go to https://www.mbrhe.gov.ae

 Click on عربى/ English to display the page in Arabic/ English language

 User can navigate to Dubai smart government portal by clicking on icon Government of Dubai 


Click on the user icon on the Home screen to log into e-Services portal


Select the user type as a contractor by clicking on Contractor login

 User can navigate to MBRHE guest portal by clicking on MBRHE logo



Login through any one of the channels given below:

Channels of Login:

Enter User name and Password then click on Sign in


Log in by OTP by entering the user name and registered mobile number then an OTP received to the registered mobile number.

Navigation through e-Services as a contractor

Once logged into the e-Services as a contractor, the launching screen displays the Dashboard. Find the services, reports, project summaries as widgets.

 Click on notification icon to display the notifications received


  • Set to receive the notifications as required
  • Enable to receive SMS on the login
  • Set the language as required between English & Arabic

Click on logout to sign out


The dashboard consists of services, projects' summary, etc., related to the contractor.

The services:

The services are listed as below:

 Open New Project File:

This to assign a contractor, after the client signs the new housing loan with the Establishment. This requires to open a new project and assessment of the project through plans, technical requirements study and cost evaluation of area (sq ft). And studying the contractors' project assessment as well as quantity and percentage of allocation on works list ,in compliance with architectural standards.

 Retention Payment:

For the client to request release of all retained of 10% of the contract value between the Establishment and the loaner.

 Contractor Project Payments:

The client gets to withdraw running payments for the building projects and the contractor submits the payment after consultant & client's verification and signing.

Contractor projects summary:

Displays the summary of payments’ breakdown and payments submission in the pie charts for each of the projects', handled by the contractor.

Construction loan projects:

View the construction loan projects assigned to the contractor and their status on the dashboard.

Click on a project to display more details on payments (if exists) and view the button of the next action (open a new file/ apply for contractor project payment/ apply for retention payment).

Maintenance grant projects:

View the maintenance grant projects assigned to the contractor and their status on the dashboard.

Click on a project to display more details on payments (if exists) and view the button of the next action (open a new file/ apply for contractor project payment).

Financial status:

Find the financial status for particular project.

Project summary:

Displays the progress of project in the bar chart.