Typical Villas

Typical villa complimentary service will be eligible for the users having a Housing construction loan or Housing Construction Grant approved application then only the service will display under the e-Service dashboard under the corresponding section.

Upon logging into the e-Services Portal, user will be redirected to his/her Dashboard which contains the Services section.


Select the Typical Villas service from the section Complementary Services.

The screen displays the housing projects owned by MBRHE that are ready to book.

Find the list of Villa Templates owned by MBRHE

Filter the desired Villa Template using options Number of floors and Number of bedrooms

Each of the above style of the projects consists of houses that apportion as below,

  • 2 floor + 4 bedrooms
  • 2 floor + 3 bedrooms
  • 1 floor + 3 bedrooms
  • 1 floor + 2 bedrooms, etc., with a maximum of 2 floors and 5 bedrooms

Click on View Designs button to view the desired Villa designs


Click on View details button to display the desired Villa details.

Here each housing project is categorized based on the style of a building.

  • Local Style 
  • Modern Style
  • Classic Style

Each style of housing project displays,

  • Style of the villa
  • Name of the housing project
  • Number of floors & bedrooms
  • Starting price of the villa

Find the typical Floor Map view

Find the typical Floor Furniture view


Click on the Apply for the service button to view the service form.


Verify the populated information and provide the required information .


Click on the terms and conditions check box and accept it by clicking on the Agree button and then click on the Submit Request button to submit the application.

Note: Users can change the Villa template until the Request is not picked up to start review.

Upon submitting the typical villa request successfully, user will see a pop-up to navigate.

  • Click on the View request details button to view the Typical villas template and your booking details
  • Click on the Back to home page button to go back to the main menu

Find your booking details, finally click on the Back to home page button to go back to the main menu